Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Take the Challenge

Every year we should challenge our status quo. Try activities we have never done before, set goals that challenge us physically and mentally and include ones where we can just let loose and have fun!

I think each one of us promise ourselves to take action when we see something inspiring on TV or read an amazing journey, our own personal dreams and goals come into our consciousness and we remind ourselves life is short, we should plan and take action today because tomorrow may be too late. Before you know it days pass, other items are put at the top of the “to do list” and our promise to ourselves fades away.

I encourage you to stop this vicious cycle and make a plan today to obtain what you have always wanted to do. Just because you’re a mother/father, wife/husband, career orientated, or has certain important responsibilities everyone should take the time and create a personal “to do list” and challenge themselves and enjoy life’s pleasures.

Primarily, goals we make focus on family life and career. At the end of the day our energy is low and our own personal goals get put on the back burner. We focus so much energy on everything else going on in our lives, why not reserve energy to create one “to do list” all about you! Trust me, make the time, find the energy, all aspects of your life will get better, people notice that change in energy, passion and most importantly you will feel the change deep inside your soul, like an awaking for your spirit. You will be a better parent, companion and career person because of it. This can’t be a onetime thing, continue to create a new list every year and just make it happen.

My own “to do list” for 2010 is

1) Try an activity I’ve never done before- Surfing

2) Run a 10 KM Marathon- Scotia Bank Bluenose Marathon (May 23, 2010)

3) Commit to going to Church every Sunday- Choose Church, encourage all members of my family to go, transfer my membership, volunteer.

4) Start & complete P90X fitness program

5) Plan a downhill skiing day for Troy and I

As I was writing all these items down I noticed a trend, most of my list is physical. A change in gears was needed

6) Start a Blog- Family Life Matters

7) Plan a Party- Birthday, Dinner, Thanks, Coasting

8) Get a tattoo

9) Pierce my ears

Everything in bold shows progress I have made or completion of the item on the list. Knowing me I will continue to add to the list. Final thoughts: My list motivates me & gives me that certain zest for life I love having.

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